Friday, April 2, 2010

Too much April Fool

Just a quick post, for the wee hours of the morning. Yesterday, of course, was April Fool's Day. Aka, the day when you cannot believe anything you hear or see. Or, the day you drive yourself crazy second-guessing everything, suspecting everyone, and disbelieving everything you come across. It's usually a fun and funny day, but this year it was just exhausting. For many reasons...of course there are always many reasons...but one stands out to me. Not trusting anyone or anything is really very wearing. Always being on your guard and always suspecting that someone is trying to get the better of you is very wearing. And not being sure who holds the truth is most wearing of all.

But in thinking of all this, it made me so glad and so relieved to know that no matter who I have to suspect on this day, and even if I cannot trust anything anyone says to me, I still have a God who can always be trusted. No matter what I end up doubting, I have a firm and solid foundation to count on. No matter who is trying to trick me, there is one who never will. There is a hope to anchor our souls to...sure and steadfast. Grace to rest our hope on fully.

I apologize if this is very disjointed and sounds strange, it's the late night ramblings of one who should really be asleep!


Melody said...

It makes perfect sense! :) Yes, it is so comforting to know that you can always trust God.

And I'm not really a fan of April fool's... I'm glad my family isn't big on celebrating it! ;)


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