Friday, April 2, 2010

Focal Point

The focal point. The part of a picture that the eye is drawn to, that everything else points to and leads to. Whatever one's vantage point, the focal point is the part of the picture that is most important to the eye.

I think our human history has a focal point as well. The cross. Ever since the fall of man, people looked for a coming savior. Ever since Jesus died on the cross, everything has pointed back to Him. The cross...the moment Christ died...was the one moment that changed it all. The veil in the temple was torn, and the way was opened for us to once again approach the Most High God without a mediator other than the blood of Christ. The cross really did change everything. The Creator died willingly for the love of his creation, and death brought life. And all the hope in the world points back to one dark day.

Today, Good Friday, is not an enjoyable day for me. I don't like fact, I hate it, and I'm impatient for Sunday. I'm impatient to declare again that my Savior is risen, that the tomb is empty, and that death is swallowed up in victory! But if the cross really is the focal point of history, then I need this day to focus on it. Without the death of Jesus, there could be no resurrection and no reason to celebrate. Without His blood being shed, I would not be redeemed. So today, the cross is both focal point...and focus.


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