Thursday, March 18, 2010

Finally sinking in

It’s something I’ve always heard. Something I’ve always known to be true. Always acknowledged, always even believed to an extent. But I don’t think I’ve ever fully owned it. Something has always held me back. There’s always been a “yes, but…”. I think it’s finally truly sinking in, though. I’m talking about this passage of scripture:

“For in [Christ] dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.” –Colossians 2:9-10

Complete. Complete in Him. To be complete is to lack nothing, to be whole, entire, having all that is necessary, to be fully realized. In Christ, I am whole. I lack nothing. In Christ, and only in Christ. He is the one who completes me, who did all that is necessary for me to be whole and lacking nothing, and the only one who will or even can ever fill and satisfy me.

“The only one who…can ever fill and satisfy me.” That’s where the “yes, but…” has always come in. Yes, I believe Jesus is the only one who completes me, but somehow I’m not really completely complete without this other person. This other person might just be a vague idea of the perfect man (or woman, as the case may be) someday in the certain to be perfect future, or someone very real with a real name and face attached. And the lie creeps in, and somewhere along the line as I grew up, the lie began to appear more real than the truth. Lies have a way of doing that. I never meant to believe a lie, never was consciously aware of doing so. I thought I was right. I thought my “yes, but…” was really what complete meant.

Until…enough of the “yes, but…” was stripped away, very painfully, that the truth was finally able to begin sinking in. Wow. Complete really does mean fully complete. Not almost complete. Lacking nothing really does mean lacking nothing, not lacking just one thing. Entire means entire. Whole means whole. Even as I’m writing this, it just hit me that complete means that the only reason pieces are missing is because I have chosen to let them be missing. The only emptiness is because is because I have turned to something other than Jesus to fill in the holes and the empty spaces.

Part 2 will be coming soon, but for now it is enough to say that the truth is finally sinking in. I am complete in Him.


Karis said...

Mmm!! This is SOOOO good, T! I'm so glad that you are realizing this and I know this is something I definitely need to work on as well... I know that I should be complete and content with God, but then there are times when I do say "Yes, but..." I'm so glad you wrote this. Thanks for sharing! Its made me think a lot. <3

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